
idex_03We support many of our local businesses here in the north Texas areas, including a few tennis related websites.

Please see for a list of the local companies & Dallas non profit that we recommend and  help support.” ~ Jennifer Glanton

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Besides online marketing, my other passion is TENNIS! Listed below is a list of helpful links, websites and services that might come in handy if you are looking for: tennis tips, tennis pros, tennis stringing, tennis equipment, tennis teams, open tennis drills, sports massage therapy, and sports chiropractors.

Chiropractic Office (great for tennis players)

Health Source of Highland Village ~ Dr. Nikki Thornton and Dr. Kyle Defreitas

Massage Therapy

Brandi Reich – massage therapist in the offices of Health Source of Highland Village

Gina McIntire (TCD, NET Tennis Player) –

Head Coach David Gray’s Tennis Websites:

Highland Shores & Highland Village Tennis

Lantana Tennis

Frisco Tennis School

Tennis Pros – For a list of pros and contact info please contact head pro David Gray or Chris Brown.

Director Frank Ford’s Tennis Websites:

Flower Mound Tennis

Equipment & Strings

Tennis Tips – See comments below for new tips by Frank. New tips are also given each week via email. Contact Frank Ford to get on this email blast!

Tennis Pros



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